DevOps and
Automation Solutions

As an AWS DevOps Competency Partner, relying on cutting-edge DevOps methodologies and tools, AllCloud’s solutions expedite deployment, while integrating automation pipelines and alleviating cloud-orchestration complexities.

The Solutions Factory offers an ever-growing DevOps and Automation solution portfolio allowing you to continuously innovate while getting the most of your DevOps operations.

Open Blueprint Engine

The Open Blueprint Engine is a comprehensive end-to-end framework for building and distributing blueprints for the components of an organization’s AWS infrastructure. Utilizing AllCloud’s pre-built structure, customers can author, deploy and share best-practice blueprints with their own teams and create solution templates that are specific to their company’s needs, allowing them to increase developer and CloudOps productivity.


EaaS for EKS

The EKS Environment-as-a-Service solution is built to provide a consistent, standardized, and Well-Architected framework for seamless deployment and management of Kubernetes-based applications in the cloud. EKS EaaS reduces the complexity and expertise required to build fully-loaded Kubernetes production environment, enabling AWS customers to focus on innovating their product and reducing TCO.

EaaS for SPA

The SPA Environment-as-a-Service solution provides an environment for building Single Page Applications on AWS and serving them via a Content Delivery Network.The solution splits into two areas – Infrastructure components and software development life cycle components; adhering to best practices and providing optimal end-user experience to reduce AWS customers’ TCO.

Amazon OpenSearch with SAML Integration

This solution creates an Amazon Elasticsearch domain with a custom FQDN, and configures the authentication and authorization of Amazon Elasticsearch to work with any SAML2.0-supported identity provider, such as AWS SSO, Onelogin, Okta and more.

Docker CI on AWS CodeBuild

This solution provides a simple and straightforward Docker CI process which results in Docker images for production and pre-production in Amazon ECR repositories. It integrates with Github and Bitbucket repositories and automatically configures webhooks that detect changes in the code repository.

Terraform Delivery Pipeline

The Terraform Delivery Pipeline provides a secure and consistent method of applying Terraform Infrastructure-as-Code(IaC) in multi-account and multi-region scenarios using GitOps. The solution takes care of state management, execution order and history, and prevents parallel executions.

AWS Client VPN with SAML Authentication

The solution is intended for users of AWS Client VPN who’d like to use the service’s feature of SAML integration in order to authenticate (and optionally authorize) users that are attempting to log in to it. It shortens the provisioning time of an AWS Client VPN with the SAML authentication functionality and eliminates mistakes that might occur during this process when done manually.

Kubernetes CD with ArgoCD

The solution is intended for users with containerized applications who wish to implement a declarative GitOps Kubernetes Continuous Delivery (CD) pipeline for multi-stage environments (dev/stage/production) using ArgoCD.

The ready-to-implement solutions of AllCloud’s Solutions Factory are being offered to members of AllCloud’s Cost Management and Optimization program as part of a comprehensive service package.

With full access to the Solutions Factory, and continuous and proactive support of our FinOps team and solution architects, the program guarantees that your cloud environment remains at the cutting edge of cost-efficiency and transparency.

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