
Case Studies

Business Mail Now Comes from the Cloud

About Binect

Founded in 2001, Binect GmbH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Binect AG. Approximately 50 employees work at the headquarters in Weiterstadt near Darmstadt and generates annual revenue of 15 million euros in 2023. As a partner company of Deutsche Post, Binect operates their E-POSTBUSINESS Box.

Binect’s software products assist and support companies with output management—essentially all tasks related to receiving and sending business mail. This often involves physical processes such as printing, enveloping, and mailing, but increasingly includes digital delivery via email, which is integrated with other business systems. This secure method is used for sending official documents from authorities, doctor and patient letters in the healthcare system, and credit agreements, account statements, or insurance policies in the financial and insurance sectors.


Over 100 million documents are sent annually by companies using the products of the software provider Binect GmbH. Previously, output management solutions came from their own data center. With partner AllCloud by their side, the company has now expanded into the AWS Cloud and is launching its new product, Binect ONE, this fall. The goal is to support the digitization initiatives of their customers and offer instant deployment for handling business mail and invoicing.

Digitalization Now Also in Output Management

“We maintain very high standards for quality, security, and data protection, both in products and services,” explains Michael Imiolczyk, one of the two managing directors at Binect responsible for technology and product matters. “Digitalization has now also arrived in our output management segment, albeit with some delay. There is an increasing demand to digitize processes: a key term is e-invoicing,” reports Imiolczyk. The declared goal is to align the product range to optimally support customers’ digital strategies. This means customers can reduce manual tasks through digital workflows, for instance, in mail intake and processing, as well as save on printing and postage costs.

While the software was previously operated from their own data center, the provider is now focusing more on the cloud. About five years ago, they started exploring the cloud, initially within their data center operations. In 2022, they began in-depth discussions on how to adapt the advantages of the cloud for SaaS solutions (Software as a Service) and further automation. The company saw numerous potential opportunities, including much faster delivery of their products and automation based on DevOps, and from a commercial perspective, a shorter time to market.


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