What motivates AllClouders to keep up with the latest technology trends?

AllCloud Blog:
Cloud Insights and Innovation

In the first blog, we kicked off our first ever ATLAS Legend Awards and congratulated our inaugural class of ATLAS Legend Award winners.   

With the cloud shifting and growing at a fast pace, new areas in technology are emerging every day and the need to be flexible and adapt quickly is paramount. In this ever changing environment, continuous learning is the heartbeat of success and keeps one current and relevant, ready for professional progress. 

Our ATLAS Legend Award winners are a true definition of what it means to be learning enthusiasts. We sat down with our winners to ask them about their insights on staying motivated, any career advice and what they think about the importance of continuous learning for the future of cloud innovation. Here’s what they said:

“Building a level of self-confidence that will enable me to jump in on any technological challenge. I try to learn topics that I’m not familiar with, in order to build a wide net of knowledge.“

Tal Eldan, Salesforce Solution Architect


Working with a team of highly competent individuals. Every day is an opportunity to learn from and collaborate with others.”

Jay Datta, Solution Engineer


“Learning new technologies. And the ultimate joy is to be able to use new technologies to solve real life problems. My motivation is to always be ready to provide effective solutions when challenges appear.”

Flavio Balassiano, AWS Solution Architect


“Getting the job done in the best possible way. Going the extra mile for the client.”

Dafna Sender, Salesforce Consultant


“Never stop learning. There are always new and innovative ways to do things better and more efficiently.”

Karen Barton, Business Analyst


“The more comfortable you become with failure, the more you are setting yourself up for success. New technologies or tasks always come with the possibility of you not knowing what to do at first and potentially “failing.” But this is the only way to learn and broaden your knowledge set.”

 Kyle Keough, Data Solutions Specialist


“The best workplace is where you have a community of people who work with passion, empower your learning, and where you feel respected and valued. The industry is very competitive and one could be tempted to job hop. While it might seem a good idea, keep in mind that the grass is not always greener on the other side.”

Said Sakuh, DevOps Engineer


“Never stay in your comfort zone. When you feel that you have the solution for everything and nothing is a challenge anymore, don’t just assume you are smart. That’s the time you should realize you are in the comfort zone, and must get out of it as soon as possible.”

Flavio Balassiano, AWS Solution Architect


“Innovation in our industry is happening at such a rapid pace that if an individual is doing the bare minimum from an education perspective, they’ll start to fall behind and struggle to make up for lost ground.”

Jay Datta, Solution Engineer


“We see news from the top three cloud providers on a daily basis. If we take a look at 2-3 years ago, the changes and new capabilities since then are huge. Companies from all sizes have already realized that cloud is the future, and the potential market is still gigantic. Therefore, the only way to follow the pace of the cloud market and its innovations is through continuous learning and continuous research.”

Flavio Balassiano, AWS Solution Architect


The AllCloud ATLAS program exists to cultivate, serve and celebrate a global network of AllClouders, who strive to be masters of cloud technology by taking advantage of new certification offerings and programs from our strategic partners. AllCloud is excited to share our next team of winners in December!

Gabe Romero


Read more posts by Gabe Romero