Mcollective is a framwork that help you run parallel jobs.
In this guide I will show how to install Mcollective server and client and use it to run puppet agent on remote servers
Tested On
OS: Amazon Linux AMI release 2012.03
Mcollective version: 2.2.1-1
Hardware: Virtual Machine (AWS AMI)
Install Mcollective
- Install Mcollective server, client and activemq on the mcollective server
yum install mcollective mcollective-client activemq -y
- Start AtiveMQ
service activemq start
- Starting Mcollective
service mcollective start
- Testing the server by running the ping command on it
mco ping
Install Mcollective agent
- Install the Mcollective agent on the client
yum install mcollective
- Confgiure Mcollective agent
vi /etc/mcollective/server.cfg
... =
- Start Mcollective
service mcollective start
Install puppet addon for Mcollective
- Download and Install puppet addon
cd /usr/libexec/mcollective/mcollective wget -O master.tar.gz tar zxf master.tar.gz cd mcollective-plugins-master/agent/ rsync -rvP puppetd/* /usr/libexec/mcollective/mcollective/
- Restart Mcollective service
service mcollective restart
For more inforamation about Mcollective please visit