Convert a server running from Instance Store to EBS
- Create 1 EBS volume (in the same availability zone that your instance is running)
- Attach this volume to your EC2 instance store (from the console)
- Format it as ext3
mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdf
- Mount it
mkdir /mnt/ebs
mount /dev/sdf /mnt/ebs
mount /dev/sdf /mnt/ebs
- Copy the root file system to the EBS (make sure to stop all relevant services like MySQL to ensure files are closed and flushed)
rsync -avHx / /mnt/ebs
rsync -avHx /dev /mnt/ebs
rsync -avHx /dev /mnt/ebs
- Sync and unmount
sync && umount /mnt/ebs
- Create a snapshot of that volume
- Register the ami based on that snapshot