Need an End-to-end AWS Cloud Security Solution? Get NGLZ Powered by Check Point.

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Introducing AllCloud Next-Generation Landing Zone Leveraging Check Point

AllCloud’s Next-Generation Landing Zone (NGLZ) is a fully automated enterprise-scale governance and security framework for AWS, fully integrating Check Point cloud security. Access an end-to-end, enterprise-ready Landing Zone for cloud migration, deployment, and maintenance, with the acclaimed and reliable security of Check Point Software.


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Leverage the Cloud, Fast and at Scale

For organizations who want to migrate to AWS and leverage Check Point CloudGuard products, embracing the innovation and flexibility of AllCloud Next-Generation Landing Zone that combines both AWS-native and Check Point technologies, can reduce cloud deployment time to just days or even hours.

AllCloud NGLZ Powered by Check Point:
Your All-encompassing Cloud Framework

Deploy the AllCloud Next-Generation Landing Zone as standalone or extend your existing data center deployment with the seamless protection of CloudGuard security products:

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It All Comes Together in the Zone

AllCloud cooperates with your Check Point license provider on your CloudGuard products and works with you to deploy them in your Landing Zone environment. The AllCloud Next-Generation Landing Zone connects Check Point, AWS, AllCloud, and you – with one secure vision.