Nesher Israel Cement Enterprises is Israel’s leading cement producer and constitutes the cornerstone in the development of the construction and infrastructure sectors in the country. It supplies most of Israel’s cement needs as well as those of the Palestinian Authority in Judea and Samaria. The company was founded in 1925, and constitutes a prominent force in Israeli industry with a history that is interwoven with that of the State of Israel. Nesher operates in two main plants in Haifa and Ramla, which together produce over 6 million tons of cement a year.
A regulatory change opened up the cement market to competition, where new local players as well as cement import changed the rules of the game. Nesher, a single player for almost 90 years, had to adapt to the change by becoming a customer-centered business.
Nesher realized that to be successful in this new market reality, they must form stronger relationships with their customers and potential customers. The #1 goal of the implementation project was to turn Nesher’s customer service into a proactive force, and to be able to effectively communicate with customers and suppliers. In addition, Nesher wanted a way to keep all customers data updated and centralized.
Nesher decided to implement a CRM for the first time in the organization’s history. As part of Nesher’s technology strategy, and in order to save on costs and maintenance, the organization decided to go with a cloud solution. After reviewing different platforms, Nesher decided to implement Salesforce CRM, picking AllCloud as their implementation partner.
How AllCloud delivered the business solution
After a detailed specifications process led by AllCloud experts, it was decided that implementation will start with building a unified and centralized customers database.
The ability to collect, unify, and optimize customers’ data was crucial for Nesher in order to upgrade its sales and customers’ retention, and finally be able to gain deep insights into their customers’ needs and challenges. The project, which took five months, had significant impact on the organization’s business processes. AllCloud worked with Nesher to develop new methodology, which included customer surveys, customer calls documentation, analytics, infrastructure for maintaining and updating customers’ data, optimizing customer support, and more.
This deep change required preparing the organization to new processes, as well as training employees on using the new software. The AllCloud team supported Nesher with a two-month training program, not only on the CRM’s technical side, but also on the impact it has on the business side. It has been over a year after the CRM implementation project was completed, and its success is continuously measured and evaluated by users and customers’ satisfaction, CRM usability, and increasing system usage. Nesher has successfully transformed into a proactive, customer-driven organization.