
Case Studies

Freesbe Successfully Rebranded Using Salesforce and Workato Based Customer Management Systems

The Goal of the recent rebranding process was to provide a superior, consistent and unified customer experience.

About Freesbe

Behind the Freesbe brand is Carasso Motors Group, one of the oldest automotive companies in Israel, operating since 1933. The company recently underwent a rebranding process to unify all its services under the uniform Freesbe brand, to create a streamlined and unified experience for end customers. This signifies a revolution in Israel’s auto market. With the launch of Freesbe, services for auto financing, insurance, sales of new and used vehicles, leasing and rentals, including Lease for You, Easy Auto, Carasso, Carasso Insurance and Autocash financing services, all come together under the one Freesbe brand. Freesbe provides this wide range of services to private and business customers, on the Freesbe website and approximately 100 locations nationwide.

The Challenge

The Freesbe organization operates several types of services: car imports, leasing, rentals and sales of new and used cars, auto insurance and financing, and marketing of auto parts and accessories.

In 2018, the organization, then known as Carasso Motors, made the strategic move to unify all customer data and sales and marketing operations under one CRM umbrella, to support unified cloud-based management and optimization of the company’s entire system.

In 2022, the group embarked on the second phase – the rebranding to deliver a unified end-to-end customer experience, including marketing, sales and support, for the entire customer base across all parts of the business.
This demanded complex integration and automation capabilities that would enable the unification of all company systems, activities and operations, and deliver the full range of services as fast as possible, with no detrimental impact to the user experience.

The Solution

2018 – first phase: Consolidation of all data in Salesforce. The complex task involved connecting different CRM systems used by all the divisions of Carasso Motors, without compromising data and with maximum efficiency. The expert team from AllCloud’s Salesforce division, in collaboration with the IT department of Carasso Motors, led by Talia Schindler, VP of Information Systems and Customer division, and Shahar Zamir, CTO, worked to unify the IT systems of all divisions under one Salesforce-based customer management system.

2022 – second phase: Rebranding. It was decided to implement the process in short scheduled stages so as not to compromise on continued service quality. Several existing solutions on the market were tested, including Workato, which offers a range of integration and automation capabilities for a large number of tools, applications and organizational systems.

According to Shahar Zamir, “Choosing an appropriate system is a vital and central process in any tech-based organization. The right system contributes to the success of the company, matching the technological vision, long-term strategic plan, and available budget. It will provide the necessary features and capabilities to deliver the best end-user experience, and at the same time be efficient and easy to manage and maintain. The right solution will also keep up with the pace of growth and technological changes in the organization.”

The answer for all these requirements was found in Workato.

In light of the successful Salesforce implementation at Freesbe by the AllCloud experts, Shahar Zamir turned again to AllCloud, whose experience includes many complex integrations of Workato-based systems.

Both Freesbe and AllCloud knew that full cooperation and commitment was necessary from both sides to complete the integration in record speed and efficiency, and to significantly shorten the times typical for these types of projects.

The team at AllCloud, a Workato platinum partner, built an infrastructure integrating all cloud applications used by Freesbe and supporting cross-system automation. This setup enables all the tools to ‘talk’ to one another, including both cloud based and on-prem tools. This setup enables sharing of vital customer data and automation of processes to seamlessly support a website that delivers optimal, unified customer experiences. AllCloud also provided internal training to the Freesbe team on the Workato system. This enabled Freesbe to continue to manage their Workato operations independently with their internal team, as they had previously done with Salesforce.

The use of advanced Salesforce and Workato tools was a critical factor in meeting deadlines throughout the process, and a decisive factor in the successful launch of the new and integrated Freesbe brand and customer experience.

AllCloud Workato SF logo

The Results

The impact of the Freesbe and AllCloud collaboration continues to this day, driving significant business success that positions Freesbe as a leader in its field:

  • Successful consolidation of all company systems enables efficient management of data-based business opportunities: The initial engagement with AllCloud’s Salesforce experts led to the successful development and implementation of a Salesforce-based CRM that unifies all of the companies’ customer data under one umbrella, enabling the rapid identification and leveraging of opportunities throughout the customer journey.
  • Fast transition from idea to implementation: Workato enables the Freesbe team to deliver and execute projects in a much shorter time frame than with standard tools, enhance the development of new ideas and reduce their time to market.
  • Broad, comprehensive view of the business: Workato provides a comprehensive dashboard and broad insights into what is happening in the business, at all times. This deep monitoring capability at the supplier level provides significant visibility and control.
  • Qualified teams working independently: While AllCloud built and implemented the Salesforce and Workato infrastructures, they also trained the Freesbe team to manage the systems independently on a daily basis, empowering them to maximize their CRM potential.
  • Comprehensive support and consultations: Freesbe continues to be in contact with AllCloud experts as needed for development and implementation of new tasks and projects, and management of additional needs or challenges in Salesforce and Workato, This enables Freesbe to continue to grow and adapt to changing market conditions and maintain an advantage among competitors.

“The implementation of Salesforce and Workato automations, and the ongoing collaboration with AllCloud, are essential to maximize the potential of the organization’s data and our business value, leveraging Freesbe’s capabilities to become a leading, innovative company that offers customers the value they are looking for.
hen the decision was made to unify the Freesbe brand and customer experience, we needed strong backing and support. We were looking for a solid partner who would be there at any given moment, whenever needed, who could drive our vision with us and be available from moment to moment on what was a very large and complex project. This is exactly what we get with AllCloud: a deep understanding of the business environment in which we operate, an attentive ear, broad and significant expertise in Salesforce and Workato, and a fast, effective response at all times. The availability of the AllCloud team is not to be taken for granted and not standard for the industry; they are really there to help when we call, handle any problem and manage any request or need that arises during the ongoing, daily operations of the organization, allowing us to continue to develop the core capabilities and excellence of Freesbe.”- Shahar Zamir, CTO, Freesbe