A month ago, AWS announced its new features for Elastic Container Service (ECS), one of them being the Application Load Balancer (ALB). Learn more on how to use it and get our best practices regarding containerized applications in our webinar below.
Docker containers are an excellent solution to many problems: they can greatly simplify your deployment process, they provide an alternative approach to configuration management, and they offer excellent consistency and portability. However, running production environments on Docker containers can be challenging and requires careful consideration of various aspects such as high availability, scalability, storage persistence and more. In this webinar we will address some of the prominent issues you might encounter when designing Docker-based production environments on AWS, and present possible solutions to these issues.
Key topics:
Container Orchestration on AWS
Load Balancing – ELBs and ALBs
Service Auto Scaling and Cluster Auto Scaling
Service Discovery
Continuous Integration & Delivery
Watch the Webinar here: